Entry Details: {{ narcsData.narctrackEntryDetails }}
\nAdmin Note: {{ narcSubNote }}
\n\n {{ details.type }}: {{ details.location }}
\n\n {{ details.type }}: {{ details.location }}
\nby {{ data.item.author }}
\n{{ bottle.pressure }}
\nDate | Shift |
{{ getDate(dailyvehicle.dailyvehicleDate) }} | {{ dailyvehicle.dailyvehicleShift }} |
Current {{ hoursOrMiles }} | {{ hoursOrMiles }} Till Pm |
{{ dailyvehicle.dailyvehicleHoursMiles }} | Missing{{ nextPM - dailyvehicle.dailyvehicleHoursMiles }} |
{{ detail.description }}
\n{{ detail.description }}
\n{{ detail.description }}
\nDate | Shift |
{{ getDate(dailyvehicle.field_date_of_check) }} | {{ dailyvehicle.dailyvehicleShift }} |
Current {{ hoursOrMiles }} | {{ hoursOrMiles }} Till Pm |
Missing{{ nextPM - checkHours }} |
Current {{ apparatusSelectValue.apparatusPMCheckType}}PM@ {{ apparatusSelectValue.apparatusNextPm }}\n | \n Please use whole numbers\n |
{{ item.item }}default({{ item.default }}) | \n \n \n |
Date | Shift |
{{currentDateSelected}} | {{ shiftSet }} |
Current {{ apparatusSelectValue.apparatusPMCheckType }} | Next PM In |
{{ currentHours }} | {{ apparatusSelectValue.apparatusNextPm - currentHours }} |
{{ detail.description }}
\n{{ blogTimeAdjust(blog.createdAt) }} | {{ blog.blogType }}
\n \nClick the button to add the corresponding item type. Items can be dragged to be re-arraged
\nNote: {{ note.note }}
\n {{ note.author}} | {{ note.time }}\n{{ repair.repairformDescription }}
\n{{ item.note }}
\n{{ item.timestamp }} | {{ item.author }}
\n✔ {{ asset.assetDescription }} (id: {{ asset.assetId }})
\n{{ getFormatedDate(data) }}
{{ eventdata.eventTagParent }}: {{ eventdata.eventTag }}
\nApparatus:\n = 6\" @click=\"showApparatusTagged = !showApparatusTagged\" class=\"custom__tag_multi border-info text-info\">{{ eventdata.eventApparatus.length }} Apparatus {{ showApparatusTagged == true ? '(Hide)' : '(Show)'}} \n {{ item }}
\nUsers:\n = 6\" @click=\"showUserTagged = !showUserTagged\" class=\"custom__tag_multi border-success text-success\">{{ eventdata.eventUser.length }} Users {{ showUserTagged == true ? '(Hide)' : '(Show)'}} \n {{ getUserName(item) }}
\nStations:\n = 6\" @click=\"showStationTagged = !showStationTagged\" class=\"custom__tag_multi border-primary text-primary\">{{ eventdata.eventStation.length }} Stations {{ showStationTagged == true ? '(Hide)' : '(Show)'}} \n {{ item }}
\nSubmitted by {{ training.trainingRecordAuthor }} on {{ training.trainingRecordCompletionDate }} for {{ training.trainingRecordHours }} Hours
\nVerify the user completed the module as required and update as validation
\nSorry, you are unable to validate this training per the validation requirements
Entry by: {{ data.item.author }}
\n \nBy clicking agree, you will allow your department's administrators to notify you of any changes via\n SMS messaging. Standard Message and Data rates will apply via your cellular carrier. All parties, your\n agency and yourself, understand that Stat Portals, Inc offers no compenstation for cellular carrier charges due to\n SMS notifications. You are free to Opt-out and Opt-in from text message notification, and notifications\n will be sent to your user email instead.
\n\n {{ details.type }}: {{ details.location }}
\n\n {{ tut.tutorialName }}\n
\n{{ getTime(single.eventDate) }} | {{ single.eventTitleDescription }}
\n {{ single.currentStatus }}\n{{ day.date.format('D') }}
{{ getDateFormat(item.date) }}
\n{{ getAuthorInfo(item.author) }}
\nAssigned: {{ getAssetTagData(item.current.type, item.current.id)}}
\nPrevious: {{ getAssetTagData(item.previous.type, item.previous.id)}}
\nNew Status: {{ item.current }}
\nPrevious: {{ item.previous }}
\nNote: {{ item.data }}
\nInpection: {{ item.data }}
{{ items.item_name }} {{ items.id }}
\n{{ item.item_name }}
\n{{ item.item_name }}
\n{{ data.item.vendId }}
\n{{ data.item.saleQty }}
\n{{ asset.assetDescription }} (id: {{ asset.assetId }})
\n{{ getDateFormat(item.date) }}
\n{{ getAuthorInfo(item.author) }}
\nAssigned: {{ getAssetTagData(item.current.type, item.current.id)}}
\nPrevious: {{ getAssetTagData(item.previous.type, item.previous.id)}}
\nNew Status: {{ item.current }}
\nPrevious: {{ item.previous }}
\nNote: {{ item.data }}
\nInpection: {{ item.data }}
{{ arrayRequiredReturned }}
\nOriginally Submitted by {{ previousForm.formSubAuthor }} on {{ previousForm.createdAt }}
\n{{ text.label }}: \n {{ text.value }}\n
\nUtilize this if you want to copy this Business data, and Create a preplan for this business
\nUtilize this if you wish to disable a business. This will prevent the business from being available to attach to preplans, or create new inspections on. All previous data will be saved.
\n\n {{ details.type }}: {{ details.location }}
\nUtilize this if you only wish to share data from one business to another new business. These are separate businesses that often excist under the same roof.\n
\nUtilize this if you want to copy this Business Sub, and Create a New Sub for the same parent
\nReport Emailed to: {{ email }}, {{ userData.email }}
\nRe-inspection previous for {{ defaultComplianceDate }}
\n\n {{ details.type }}: {{ details.location }}
\n\n {{ details.type }}: {{ details.location }}
\nUtilize this if you only wish to share data from one business to another new business. These are separate businesses that often excist under the same roof.\n
\nUtilize this if you want to copy this Business Sub, and Create a New Sub for the same parent
\nMenu Id Can not be the same as another Check Item & Must not contain spaces
\n \n \n{{ items }}
\nEntry Details: {{ narcsData.narctrackEntryDetails }}
\nAdmin Note: {{ narcSubNote }}
\n\n {{ details.type }}: {{ details.location }}
\n\n {{ details.type }}: {{ details.location }}
\n\n {{ details.type }}: {{ details.location }}
\n\n {{ details.type }}: {{ details.location }}
\n\n {{ details.type }}: {{ details.location }}